As you go through a Lengthy level, you draw a line behind you. If you draw a longer line, you get a higher score. Levels which seem easy become much more challenging if you want to get more points. Levels which are challenging can become much easier if your only goal is to survive to the end. You can make Lengthy as easy or as difficult as you want!With an infinite number of levels generated as and when you want them, Lengthy will never bore you. Whether you want a quick two minutes during your commute, or a meatier setup for a longer setup, our algorithms have got you covered.
Lengthy only takes seconds to learn. If you want to turn left, touch on the left of the screen; if you want to turn right, touch on the right. After a minute, you'll feel like you've been playing it all your life -- but you'll still have a long way to go before you can fully master it.
If you find a bug in Lengthy, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We will try to fix everything as soon as we can.